Get to know Doc

Who is your professor? More information is available in the social links below.

A man in sunglasses and a jean jacket standing in a purple mirrored hallway.

Doc is an autistic adult who has been teaching college for over two decades. He is qualified to teach the following subjects according to the Higher Learning Commission and the US government: writing, research, literature, political science, philosophy, religious studies, and humanities. After experiencing both the pandemic of 2020 and ableism in his professional life, he decided to take his twenty years of public and corporate experience on the road. This foundation website is that project.

We hope that you join us on this journey to reconnect to our collective humanity.

Young doc at four dressed in western wear leaning in a doorway.

Dr. H is a current college humanities professor with over two decades of experience in higher education and cultural analysis. In the past he has been both the department chair of the humanities department and the Honors College. He has written over $1 million in humanities-focused grants in my career. Skilled in Pedagogy, Cultural Theory, Humanities Education, Public Affairs, Strategic Consulting, Writing, Literary Criticism, and Religious Studies. Research and consulting interests in the ways in which religio-political ideology affects human beings, their arts and culture, and the institutions they create to enforce their norms and mores.

A few years ago, he continued his studies in Disability Inclusion and Equitable Design with the University of Michigan’s School of Social Work and Detroit Disability Power and took all the coursework to become a Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT). His work in Universal Design led to both grant and public funding for the creation of an accessible honors wing at his home college. This real-world educational maker space allows for true educational innovation and creativity, whilst serving the WHOLE student.  

In 2023 he won a faculty lectureship award researching the accessibility and accommodations of my college institution. This has led to further study with Interaction Design Foundation where he is taking the study and application of universal design to another level. His goal is to seek out funding to truly change the way our institutions and systems view the neurodiverse population amongst us.  Recently, he has been presenting the Autism Inclusion Workshop to organizations in Michigan and Ohio and working with municipalities and private companies to help them become more inclusive.

Our Staff

  • Dr. Adam "Dutch" Hazlett

    Executive Director

  • Cheyanne Conner

    Director of Operations

Volunteer Staff

  • AJ White


  • Madeleine Pitt